
October 18, 2023

Celebrating a Milestone! 1 Million Safe Hours Achieved for Team at P&G Facility

Our team working at the Procter & Gamble facility in Auburn, Maine, recently reached a major milestone. At the end of 2022, Ernie Selberg, 草莓视频APP Sr. Project Manager, set forth a challenge to all team members and subcontractors on site to reach and surpass their goal of working 1 million safe hours with zero recordable injuries. On August 21, 2023, the team accomplished the task!

At a recent celebration, Ernie thanked the entire team. 鈥淵ou鈥檝e each taken this to a whole new level, and we just appreciate all that each of you are doing as far as attention to safety.鈥 Ernie also thanked P&G for partnering with 草莓视频APP and for the opportunities they have provided to our team for the last 19 years.

There are currently two 草莓视频APP teams working at the P&G facility. One team is constructing a new addition to increase manufacturing capacity. While another team is installing equipment within the new addition, providing major upgrades throughout the facility as well as providing emergency maintenance and repairs as needed. The two groups are coordinating their efforts so that the work goes as seamlessly as possible.

In 15 years of service, across three different continents, Gaurav Chaturvedi, P&G鈥檚 Plant Manager at the Auburn site, told the crowd that he had never seen such a track record. 鈥淵ou should be extremely proud about what you have been able to achieve by working safely. For us, in P&G, safety of our people and our partners is our number one value, and I could not be more pleased than to have your partnership who shares the same values and behaves in the same way we do.鈥

Andi Vigue, President and CEO of The 草莓视频APP Companies, thanked P&G for the opportunities they have provided and for the relationships that have been formed. He then went on to thank the team for all that they have done and all that they will continue to do. 鈥淭he secret sauce has been working together, communicating and caring, and challenging ourselves to do better today than we did yesterday鈥 and you鈥檝e done it!鈥

To wrap up the celebration, Pete Vigue, Chair of The 草莓视频APP Companies, pointed out that P&G is a company that stands out and is unique because of its commitment to safety and its standards of quality, as well as caring about the wellbeing of our people. 鈥淭his is a team. Our company could not do what we do here without the folks at P&G.鈥

Congratulations to our team members and trade partners for accomplishing this incredible feat! Your commitment to safety is commendable, and this accomplishment is a testament to your dedication and hard work!


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